

Cyrus is an intelligent spoken-dialogue assistant I created to query databases using natural language through elegant NLP, lemmatization, and Levenshtein Distance algorithms to determine intent with no dependency on a particular database.

The Horror of Angkor

The Horror of Angkor is a horror game based in Angkor Wat powered by the Unreal Engine. It revolves around an ancient monster hidden in an underground temple who you must avoid while collecting 4 Golden Idols to escape.

ACM SAC 2019

Presented my research at the 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing in Limassol, Cyprus in April 2019. Algorithms to convert natural spoken language queries to SQL with no restrictions of sentence structure covering wildcard, selection, projection, join, aggregate, and division queries.

Pablo & Ruiz

Pablo & Ruiz is a sidescroller game about a cat named Pablo and a guitar named Ruiz as they travel through the world trying to rescue the world from the evil chihuahua, Ragú.


Brickout is a small replica of the classic Atari game, Breakout

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